Printing of drawings in a folder, through personalized property

修改于: 三月 23,2021  
下载: 213  


说明:I printed in .PDF or the standard printer all the .SLDDWR files inside a specified folder. However, all files, SLDPRT, SLDASM, SLDDRW, must be in the same folder.
    先决条件: Personality of the drawings must be filled out This macro presented has as main functions, to separate and / or print the drawings in “.SLDDRW” right on the printer, or in “.PDF” files. In the case of printing in “.PDF”, the macro creates a folder for each sector, and saves the files “.PDF” in each folder of its respective sector All option (3): When the option all, is selected when choosing a sector, the macro will print all files, the user being able to choose the printing option directly on the printer's default printer. computer, or save the “.PDF” files in the same folder as the “.SLDDRW” files. 1. Copy the address of the files and paste in field 1 2. Validate the path in the “Validate path” button 3. Window to choose the sector, or print all “SLDDRW” 4. Select this option to save the files of the chosen sector within a folder, with the same name as the sector NOTE: If you select "All" the files will be saved in the same folder as the files “.SLDDRW” 5. Select this option to print files directly to the printer NOTE: This option prints on the computer's default printer 6. Start file generation or direct printing to the standard Windows printer 7. Close the macro 8. Select this option so that the files that had the custom properties sectors written in the “0003 Plasma” model, are checked and printed if have the sector marked. 9. Screen that displays the drawings that have been printed Considerations: The ideal to run is macro only once, and later, close it to print the next sector. That is, it is ideal if you create a tool to use this macro with just one click.
  后决条件: In this macro you select the custom property and the folder, and choose the printer, or whether to save all files in .PDF, for the chosen option. And in the side window the macro reports only the drawings that have been printed.
SOLIDWORKS 版本:{0} Unknown
编程语言: SW_VBA


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cassio alves

成为用户的时间: 2010/7/6
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